Hopefully you’ll be as old as you look already!

This joking sentence unfortunately still fits many people today…

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to stay young forever, while others look quite old at 33? Is it a freak of nature, an inherited disposition or are there other factors?

How about saying that it is 80% in our own hands?! In the article picture we used a glaring example, Chuando Tan the photographer and model is really impressive, at 57 years old he looks better than many a 25 year old… Sure he has good genes, but if he had been drinking, smoking and eating badly to boot (regular workouts aside), he certainly wouldn’t look like that today!

The whole secret, no matter if man or woman, lies in the free radicals and their effect on our organism. Their presence determines whether we age quickly or slowly. It’s not that you can turn back the clock, but from the age of 25 onwards, it’s up to you whether you look like you’re 50 when you’re 40 or vice versa. Diet and lifestyle habits are decisive.

But let’s deal with the process of cell ageing and how to stop it.

With the emergence of multicellularity and the associated differentiation of cells into germline and somatic cells, an ageing process is associated for the somatic cells, which leads to the death of the cells and the multicellular organism. Germline cells (egg and sperm cells) are potentially immortal, i.e. they can continue to divide indefinitely. Under unfavourable environmental influences, however, these cells also show signs of ageing, which can, however, be eliminated under favourable conditions.

It has been discovered that during electron transport in the respiratory chain, peroxide ions (O2-) can be formed, which form aggressive free radicals via hydrogen peroxide. Radicals are organic or inorganic compounds with one or more unpaired electrons. As they try to capture electrons to have complete pairs again, they are very reactive. These radicals destroy proteins, lipids and DNA. With ageing, their number increases and leads to the restriction of ATP production.
The ageing process described seems to be a consequence of energy deficiency in the organism, in which the mitochondria are involved. It has been found that diseases of the nervous system such as Parkinson’s disease have their cause in insufficient energy production in certain nerve cells.

Studies on human and animal cells have shown that enzymes of aged cells have only 25-50% of their activity. In the experiment with 3-year-old rats (comparable to a 90-year-old human), 30-50 % of all proteins were oxidised and thus damaged. Lipids were also non-functional and even the DNA of the mitochondria and the cell nucleus showed mutations. In the mitochondria, free radicals (atoms, molecules or ions with an unpaired electron) are formed during cellular respiration. They are particularly reactive and attach themselves to many vital substances. Their number increases with age.

The 4 main sources of free radicals:

  • Internal products: Our body constantly produces free radicals as a by-product of normal metabolic functions..
  • The environment: air pollution, cigarette smoke, smog, soot, car exhaust, toxic waste, fertilisers, insect repellents, background radiation, drugs and bad over-processed foods can produce free radicals.
  • Stressors such as trauma, medication, disease, infection and stress, can drive the body’s production of free radicals.
  • Chain reactions: when a free radical steals an electron to rebalance itself, it creates new free radicals in the previously stolen molecule. In many cases, this free radical will then also try to steal an electron.

”Stop the Oxidative Process with Antioxidants“

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants offer protection against so-called “free radicals”. On the one hand, these free radicals are formed by the body itself during various metabolic processes, on the other hand, they are produced by harmful external influences such as cigarette smoke, environmental toxins or UV radiation from the sun.
If there are too many free radicals in our body, so-called “oxidative stress” develops. This is said to contribute to diseases such as arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and cancer and also causes the skin to age more quickly.
Oxidation can be observed, for example, in cut apples – they turn brown. Anyone who sprinkles lemon juice on apple slices can see that the antioxidant vitamin C prevents this oxidation: they retain their natural colour.
As a rule, our body has a well-functioning protective system to keep free radicals in check. Antioxidants usually do not work in isolation, but in interaction with other antioxidants (antioxidant network). Individual vitamins (B2, vitamin C and E) and minerals (selenium, zinc) are components of this system.

The origin of antioxidants:

  1. Formed in the body (e.g. enzymes, hormones, metabolic products)
  2. Supplied externally with food (e.g. vegetables, olive oil, fruit, nuts)

Re 2: Antioxidants from food are for example:

  • Vitamin C und E
  • Selenium or secondary plant substances
    (such as polyphenols, beta-carotene, OPC (resveratrol), flavonoids (tea), lycopene (in tomatoes), anthocyanins (red cabbage, cherry, elderberry, chokeberry, haskap berry, maqui), zeaxanthin (spinach, peppers), chlorophyll (in spinach, lettuce, wheatgrass, spirulina) or allicin (in garlic)).

The red and yellow plant pigments betalains (betacyans and betaxanthins) are also increasingly discussed. These are contained, for example, in beetroot, yellow beetroot, chard with coloured stems and coloured cactus fruits. However, little is known about their nutritional and physiological effects and their bioavailability.

Important for the menu:
Plenty of plant-based and varied foods!

What is behind the advertising on antioxidants?

Antioxidants neutralise so-called “free radicals” and are thus supposed to contribute to a reduction in the ageing process and risk of disease. However, the studies are not quite so clear. The European Food Safety Authority has reviewed the studies on the protective function of antioxidants and found that the data for many substances is not scientifically sound. Only a few statements on the protection against free radicals (oxidative stress) are admissible. These include the statement for zinc, selenium as well as vitamins C, E and B2 that they help “to protect the cells from oxidative stress”.

The sentence is also allowed: “Olive oil polyphenols help protect blood lipids from oxidative stress”.
It has not been proven that isolated antioxidants in the form of food supplements (or in ACE products with beta-carotene, vitamin C and E) protect against diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, arthritis or cancers, or stop ageing processes in the sense of anti-ageing.

Polyphenol-rich olive oil seems to be the remedy of choice…

… especially if, like our favourite Chuando Tan, you don’t have an abundance of antioxidants to fall back on, like those found on an Asian table. Sport and exercise do the rest, because a fat-heavy body increases the risk of inflammation and thus also the emergence of free radicals. But his example should serve to show everyone else what is possible and what we ourselves can achieve through personal responsibility.

Better than the “blue miracle pill”

As new research suggests, A weekly dose of olive oil may work better than drugs to improve a man’s performance in the bedroom. It was scientists from the University of Athens who measured the optimal dose of the “green gold” needed to ignite the spark: just 9 tablespoons is enough to reduce the risk of impotence by about 40%.

The study, presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress in Munich, was conducted on 660 men with an average age of 67 and found that those who ate a Mediterranean diet – rich in fruits and vegetables, legumes, fish – had fewer problems in bed and even, noticed an improvement in their performance. High quality olive oil (not the one from the supermarket or discount store)is the “king” of healthy eating and can help improve blood flow and dramatically increase testosterone levels, extremely reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Researcher Christina Chrysohoou reminded that diet and exercise are key to improving sexual performance in middle-aged men. “If they eat a Mediterranean diet, especially by consuming a lot of olive oil – she specified – they can reduce their impotence risk by up to 40%.”

Small lifestyle changes could therefore prove more beneficial than the use of medications, especially for those seeking a long-term solution. And most importantly, they can eliminate the risk of drug side effects, which include headaches, back pain, vision problems and heart attacks.

Celebs drinking olive oil every day – Do they know something we don’t?

The FDA recommends consuming 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day. Most people meet this requirement by cooking with olive oil or drizzling it on their dishes, but some people choose to consume it all at once – in one shot.

Drinking olive oil straight may sound like an eccentric health trend, but the truth is that many in Mediterranean countries swear by the practice as an elixir of health. Recently, however, it seems to be becoming a trend in the US, with some celebrities swearing that extra virgin olive oil is the key to their health. Goldie Hawn drinks two tablespoons of olive oil before bed and massages her face with it to keep her skin looking young and healthy. Kourtney Kardashian drinks a tablespoon of olive oil every other day, according to her website Poosh, where she touts the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil. Dr. Drew Ramsey, clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, believes that the best way to enjoy the health benefits of olive oil is to simply drink a shot glass. He convinced Carson Daly on the Today Show to drink a shot of extra virgin olive oil while Savannah Guthrie and Hota Kotb looked on.

Selena Gomez reportedly drinks a small glass of olive oil before going on stage – a trick she learned from Kelly Clarkson. Screenwriter and producer Shonda Rhimes credits Beyoncé for her new habit of drinking olive oil daily. Beyoncé likes drinking extra virgin olive oil so much that she even invested in an olive oil company that sells her oil with a little shot glass so you can enjoy the taste of it.

Is it safe to drink olive oil?

Yes! According to Healthline, some who live in the Mediterranean drink ¼ cup of olive oil daily. Drinking olive oil is a long-standing practice in Mediterranean countries where olive oil is a staple food.

What are the benefits of drinking olive oil?

Apart from the known heart-healthy benefits, drinking olive oil can provide the following health benefits:

  • Drinking olive oil can relieve constipation. Several studies have found that eating olive oil acts as a stool softener.
  • Olive oil can relieve stomach discomfort, reduce flatulence and heartburn.
  • Drinking olive oil can help you lose weight. Although olive oil is high in calories, it has been found to suppress appetite and regulate blood sugar.
  • A shot of olive oil can help prevent you from a sugar crash that makes you reach for unhealthy snacks.
  • Olive oil has been shown to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  • Some compounds in olive oil have anti-inflammatory effects, including oleocanthal.

This compound can provide similar pain-relieving effects to over-the-counter medications.


How to start drinking olive oil?

Start small. Start with a teaspoon or tablespoon and work your way up to an amount that is good for you.

Choose a high-quality olive oil. Taste counts! When it comes to olive oil, the more flavour, the more potential health benefits. But again, it may be best to start slowly with a good quality, mildly flavoured extra virgin olive oil until you get used to stronger flavours. Olive oil tastes best when it is fresh, so buy a bottle that you can use within a month.

Choose your vessel. You can enjoy the experience even more if you make it more of a ritual … put the oil in a small special glass and make sure to enjoy the aroma before you drink it. Take a sniff! Our sense of smell is responsible for about 80% of what we taste.

Feel the spiciness. High-quality, fresh extra virgin olive oil is packed with polyphenols. These healthy compounds cause a tingling sensation in the throat and can burn a little. This is a good thing! It’s normal to cough, and in fact premium olive oils are often referred to as one-cough, two-cough or three-cough.

If you just can’t follow this trend, don’t worry. In truth, you can enjoy the health benefits just as much by using olive oil in your cooking and as a condiment to round off your dishes. The point is to get your 2 tablespoons a day. Some recommendations for people who don’t want to drink olive oil:

  • Add a tablespoon of olive oil to your morning smoothie.
  • Drizzle olive oil over roasted vegetables, soups and pasta.
  • Add a tablespoon to yoghurt or oatmeal.
  • Use olive oil instead of butter in baking.

Whether you want to follow the latest celebrity trend or not, there is no doubt that extra virgin olive oil has some incredible health benefits. So if you’re looking for a way to incorporate more olive oil into your diet, drinking a shot glass may be the way to go.


There is much more health in olive oil than previously thought.

Some new studies are now even raising hopes of treatment options for brain tumours, breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, for example.

Many of the health benefits of olive oil have been known for years – and more and more are being discovered as researchers look more closely at this centuries-old product from the Mediterranean region.

Based on these 6 diseases, you can see how much medicinal power is contained in high-quality olive oil.

I. Heart and circulation

Almost everyone is familiar with this first plus point: cardiovascular diseases in particular can be prevented or significantly improved by switching to a Mediterranean diet, which is heavily based on olive oil, as confirmed by a study conducted by the Medical Research Institute in Barcelona in February 2017.
Olive oil contains 73 per cent unsaturated fatty acids, but above all a large number of antioxidants, such as oleic acid, which lowers LDL cholesterol and thus prevents hardening of the arteries. In addition, there is oleuropein, which dilates the arteries. This even goes so far that vegetables fried in olive oil are healthier than cooked ones, as was found in a study at the University of Granada: Antioxidants are lost when cooking, but not when frying in olive oil.

Almost everyone is familiar with this first plus point: cardiovascular diseases in particular can be prevented or significantly improved by switching to a Mediterranean diet, which is heavily based on olive oil, as confirmed by a study conducted by the Medical Research Institute in Barcelona in February 2017.
A few years ago, an ibuprofen-like effect of the oleocanthal contained in olive oil was already noted. Not enough to relieve headaches straight away, but in concentrated quantities this phenylethanoid does have a highly interesting effect.
And the more research is done on olive oil, the more surprising the results. Oleocanthal also has an extremely toxic effect on cancer cells. It attacks the lysosomes inside the cancer cells, where they store waste. They are destroyed by the oleocanthal – and so the cancer cells die within about 30 minutes, as the scientists Paul Breslin, David Foster and Onica LeGendre found in their study.

“The more people opt for a Mediterranean diet, the higher the importance of oleocanthal as a key element in this dietary pattern.”

Paul Breslin,

Nutrition specialist at the State University of New Jersey

III. Tumour control

According to studies by the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology at the University of Edinburgh, the oleic acid already mentioned is able to stop a very specific protein that plays a decisive role in the formation of brain tumours.

To be more precise: the oleic acid prevents the protein from developing the so-called miR-7. This also prevents the formation of the tumours.

The researchers cannot say whether olive oil as a food already helps to prevent the formation of cancer in the brain. But:

“The results of the studies suggest that oleic acid supports the production of tumour-suppressing molecules in cell cultures in the laboratory.”

Dr. Gracjan Michlewski,

University Edinburgh

According to the results of his research so far, not only brain cells are positively influenced by oleic acid – an inhibition of breast cancer cells could also be proven.

#Was sind Polyphenole

IV. Alzheimer’s

A third case study in June 2017 brought another exciting insight into olive oil. This time, the scientists tested two groups of mice.

After nine and twelve months of life, respectively, the animals were tested for their memory and learning abilities. The olive oil-fed animals performed significantly better in all tests.

A third case study in June 2017 brought another exciting insight into olive oil. This time, the scientists tested two groups of mice. In later comparisons of the brains, the same result: the brain cells of the olive oil group were visibly healthier and they had less amyloid plaque, a consequence of toxic proteins that accumulate in the brain.

The researchers’ finding: Olive oil could trigger “nerve cell autophagy”. This is a process in which cells break down and utilise their own components. A kind of purification process. In this way, memory and synaptic integrity could be preserved and the pathological effect reduced.

“This is a very important discovery, because we suspect that a reduction in autophagy signifies the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.”

Domenico Praticò,

Temple University

V. Blood sugar

Olive oil can also have a positive effect on diabetes: studies have shown that the use of olive oil in type 1 diabetes patients, for example, ensures that the rise in blood sugar after eating is lower. And doctors also recommend the Mediterranean diet for patients with type 2 diabetes – preferably exclusively with olive oil, as this ensures a permanent reduction in blood sugar..

VI. Osteoporosis

Olive oil can even have a positive influence on the formation of osteoporosis: In the Mediterranean countries, this disease of brittle bones, which affects many people in old age, is nowhere near as common. The phenols contained in olive oil protect the bone mass.

In all of this, however, it is extremely important to pay attention to the really good quality of the olive oil. Not every “extra virgin” or “extra virgin” is really what it should be: namely natural. Olive oils from supermarkets or discounters, even though they are labelled “extra virgin” or “extra virgin”, are not natural, but processed used oils, they contain neither much oleic acid nor polyphenols such as oleocanthal, but only many free oleic acids and therefore taste “mild“. Olive oil that has not been refined, i.e. fresh and not heat-treated, is slightly bitter – for which the oleocanthal is responsible. An olive oil that is no longer bitter and pungent therefore has hardly any oleocanthal or oleuropein and is thus also free of health effects at the same time.

So don’t put taste before health. It is better to go for a really natural “extra virgin” and none of the “manipulated” variants. A few euros more for the original is always worth it.

The secret of good barbecue marinades! The best tips for barbecue and grill.

Spring is finally here!
What could be better than spending a carefree weekend in the company of friends? It’s even nicer when you can enjoy well-grilled meat between a good drop of wine and the other. All of this only works if you have mastered the art of barbecuing to some degree
and approach the matter with expertise.

Before we start building a fire in our barbecue or smoker, we need to think about what we are going to grill, what meat we want to grill and how we can marinate the meat for grilling. Whether it is beef steaks, pork ribs, rack of lamb or grilled chicken, it is highly recommended to prepare these foods with the most appropriate marinade for several reasons. In principle, a barbecue marinade consists of three ingredients: Oil, acid and spices that are mixed together. Whether you prefer oil or acid is a matter of taste. But when it comes to oil, don’t skimp on the wrong end, as this is how aromatic substances get into the meat. It should be a high-quality vegetable oil such as olive oil. For acidity, vinegar, lemon juice, wine or orange juice can be used, but with olive oil, which is known to contain oleic acid and polyphenols, you can kill two birds with one stone. With the spices, you have a free hand, just as you like. For this reason, we have decided to present what we consider to be the best oils for grilling meat and fish.

Why marinate with olive oil?

What most people don’t know: Italy is a country of barbecue champions. Why hasn’t this information penetrated Germany? Because most tourists to Italy give a wide berth to any restaurant that is not labelled “Pizzeria”; anyone with the title “Trattoria Specialitá alla Brace” is left out.

In these temples of barbecue, grilling is done on large grills fed by embers from oak or beech wood fires, and this art is celebrated to perfection here. Extra virgin olive oil is a key element in this discipline. Its use gives a different taste depending on the quantity used and the dish. This depends on the variety of olives, the taste, the smell and the intensity of their fruitiness. However, what many do not know is that olive oil-based marinades significantly reduce the pollutants released when meat is roasted at high temperatures. When fat runs off the embers, smoke often rises. This converts noble proteins into carcinogens. To continue grilling without risk, it is advisable to use extra virgin olive oil, lemon and various spices such as rosemary. The right amount of these ingredients forms a real protective barrier against the harmful substances released during roasting.

The best extra virgin olive oil for marinating

The marinade of the grilled meat then varies depending on the variety and cut:

Grilled chicken: If it is poultry, the meat should be left to rest for 2 to 4 hours before grilling.
For the marinade, we choose medium-intensity fruity oils. Well balanced in taste, they create the right balance. For this we have chosen the extra virgin olive oil extra virgin olive oil “L’Eliodoro”. It has a medium fruitiness and is made with Coratina and Ogliarola olives. The slightly bitter spiciness stands out from the rooster flavour and provides balance.

Beef steak and pork ribs:
Red meat and pork require resting times between 4 and 6 hours.

For the marinade, we choose medium and intensely fruity oils. Olive oils with stronger notes are ideal to balance the generally stronger taste of these cuts. To marinate these cuts, we have chosen the “Smeraldo”. An oil with an intense fruitiness, made from 100% Coratina olives. For the pork ribs, the “Classic”, a mature olive oil made from Coratina and Ogliarola olives.

Grilled rack of lamb: lamb and mutton also have high marinating times between 4 and 6 hours. Starting from an already flavorful base, we choose for the marinade an intense fruity oil like the “Smeraldo“.

How to grill and season meat perfectly
After marinating the meat, it is time to grill it. Again, we need to pay attention to the variety we have chosen. Whether it’s a juicy beef steak or grilling delicious ribs, the right technique and the right extra virgin olive oil make all the difference.

Grilled chicken:
It is one of the drawing cards of every barbecue party.

However, grilling is one of the most complicated and very often the meat is undercooked or burnt. How does it work? We must not expose it to direct embers, but should grill it over a mild heat, preferably indirectly in a smoker or Weber grill . The chicken cooks very slowly, but to speed up the preparation we can cut it into several pieces. This way of cooking keeps the meat tender and juicy.

Beef steak: the master discipline.
To prepare a steak expertly, the embers must be very strong.
After marinating it in plenty of olive oil, place the meat in the direct heat of the embers. Leave it to grill for a few minutes, lifting it slightly to check that the crispy crust has formed. Mind you, if the meat does not lift off, leave it for a little while, it means it is not ready yet. If the crust has formed on both sides, you know the steak has reached medium-rare, if you want to cook it further through, place it now on a cooler part of the grill to let it slowly age.
For seasoning, choose an extra virgin olive oil with medium fruitiness such as the “Eliodoro” or the “Classic“.

Pork ribs: They are a timeless barbecue classic.
Preparation is simple, but care must be taken to use the indirect grilling method. The ribs cook slowly, so the temperature of the embers should not be too high. You need to turn them frequently enough so that they cook evenly.

Rack of lamb: It is the worthy finishing touch to any barbecue.
The carré is cut lean and you need a powerful ember to grill it. The cooking process is quick and it takes little to achieve a perfect result. When the typical crust has formed, place the piece in a cooler spot on the grill and let it rest for a few minutes.

Lamb has a strong and decisive flavour, which can be balanced by an equally
by an equally intense extra virgin olive oil. For this, the “Smeraldo” is just right.


Strengthen the immune system! The answer to any virus.

In the cold season, inflammations have it easier again. This is because the causative agents, bacteria and viruses, are better able to take hold in our bodies. But olive oil helps. Through certain substances, the polyphenols, including oleocanthal, it soothes inflammation, strengthens the immune system and prevents colds. About three tablespoons a day – in a salad, for example – is enough.

You should make sure that it is not a supermarket or discount olive oil, but a high-quality olive oil with proven polyphenol values, because these are practically non-existent in the commercial brands.

You should also always use olive oil for cooking. On the one hand it is really suitable for cooking, and on the other hand it has a positive effect on your defences: It contains oleocanthal. This ingredient has only recently been discovered by researchers. It has the ability to stop inflammatory processes and is even said to prevent cancer. In addition, the polyphenols it contains increase the fluidity of your blood and have an antioxidant effect. They therefore protect your cells from damage.

The source of infection is in northern Italy, above the Appenines, where the diet is similar to that of Germany, with almost no fresh food and 80% of the olive oil sourced from supermarkets. In the more southern regions, the infections practically only occur in urban areas.

Strengthen the immune system – Healthy lifestyle

An unfavourable lifestyle with highly processed foods, one apple per year for vitamin supply, short nights and preferably a wheelchair under your butt to avoid any movement, leads to so many waste products, acids and toxins in your organism that it literally longs for every cold. In this case, a cold is therefore roundly used by the body for detoxification.

During a cold, you are known to be tired, have little appetite and therefore do not eat much. Instead, the organism is given rest, light food and tea.

Automatically, we give our body exactly what it needs in this situation: Rest and relaxation to concentrate on detoxification and fluids to dissolve all the accumulated waste products and then usher in the regeneration phase.

All the mucus that flows out of the nose or is coughed up during a cold naturally also contains bacteria or eliminated viruses. But together with this mucus, the everyday toxins and metabolic residues that have accumulated over the past weeks and months can finally be eliminated.

A cold can therefore also be viewed positively, namely as a welcome detoxification boost. However, if you could well do without colds in the future and also do not want to take part in every flu epidemic, then ensure with a healthy diet and lifestyle that less waste products enter your body in the future.

At the same time, strengthen your immune system so that you are immune to colds and flu in the future.

Foods that strengthen the immune system

In critical times – when colds are rampant – focus on very specific foods and spices that can strengthen the immune system:
Vegetables that strengthen the immune system

From all vegetables, choose preferably broccoli, kale, carrots, tomatoes, chicory, cabbage, garlic, mushrooms and spinach.

Especially red, yellow, orange and deep green vegetables, which contain plenty of beta-carotene (the precursor of vitamin A) in addition to numerous other vital substances, strengthen the immune system. They stimulate the production of our body’s police – the white blood cells – and thus help the body to defend itself against infections.

Among all cabbages, kale is the most nutrient-rich and at the same time the most powerful in the fight against pathogens and even cancer cells. It not only provides enormous amounts of beta carotene, but also a particularly high amount of vitamin C, calcium and secondary plant substances.
Moreover, cabbage vegetables are rich in secondary plant compounds from the group of isothiocyanates. These include sulforaphane, which is considered an arthritis and cancer killer and is found especially in broccoli and broccoli sprouts.

Strengthen the immune system with broccoli

Sulforaphane and its effects on the immune system were investigated in an Indian study by the Amala Cancer Research Center in Kerala. It showed that sulforaphane significantly increased the activity of natural killer cells (a type of defence cell). The specific immune system was also strengthened in the formation of antibodies by sulforaphane. Sulforaphane also significantly increased the production of interleukin-2 and gamma interferon.

Interleukin-2 is a messenger substance whose presence promotes the division and multiplication of defence cells. Gamma interferon, on the other hand, activates macrophages, i.e. the scavenger cells of the immune system. Sulforaphane is therefore a perfect substance that can strengthen your immune system.

Eat the vegetables mentioned – whenever possible – raw (the leafy vegetables in the form of a green smoothie) or only very lightly steamed to get the most out of the vital substances. Broccoli sprouts are also available dried and consequently with a particularly high sulforaphane concentration.
Fruits that strengthen the immune system

Among all fruits, the following are particularly suitable for strengthening your immune system: Lemons, grapefruit, guavas, oranges, bananas and dark fruits such as cherries, blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants and dark grapes – preferably always several combined with each other.
Almonds strengthen the immune system

The best of all nuts and seeds is the sweet almond. Scientific studies have shown that almonds lower cholesterol and have a similar healing effect on the intestines as prebiotics.

Prebiotics are substances that ensure a healthy intestinal environment by providing sufficient food for the beneficial intestinal bacteria. In this way, prebiotics and also almonds promote the health of the immune system, as this is known to be largely located in the intestine. It is enough to consume a small handful of almonds daily to enjoy their beneficial effects.
Spices that strengthen the immune system

If you regularly season your meals with ginger, cinnamon, cumin, oregano and cayenne pepper, you can make your body so strong that it will soon be able to fight off colds with ease. You can also make very effective teas from all the spices mentioned (with the exception of cayenne pepper).

Cayenne pepper (capsaicin) and cinnamon can also be taken as capsules.

If you already have a cold and only then read these lines, the spices mentioned will help you to overcome your cold more quickly. 

Foods that weaken the immune system

Often, just avoiding some foods helps to strengthen the immune system.

Sugar, for example, weakens the immune system enormously. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has now also commented on this. According to this medical journal for dietetics, sugar can impair the immune system to such an extent that infectious diseases have an easy time.

Refined sugar provides isolated carbohydrates, but otherwise absolutely no nutrients or vital substances. Sugar causes the body to produce a multitude of harmful metabolites, irritates numerous bodily functions and is consequently associated with a plethora of diseases and ailments.

Sugar also has enormous addictive potential. You will notice this at the latest when you want to give up sugar, sweets and sweetened foods. The first few days are hard, but then you feel fitter and clearer than ever. Keep control of yourself and your eating habits. Overcome your sugar addiction!

Avoid unhealthy fats and oils like margarine, refined vegetable oils and lard.

Instead, use high-quality vegetable oils from the organic trade, e.g. linseed oil, hemp oil or olive oil. Coconut oil is excellent for frying.

Of course, industrially processed and chemically treated “junk food” will not necessarily make your immune system stronger, but much weaker.

Foods low in vital substances such as fast food, biscuits, crisps, sweets, cakes and all foods that come directly from the retort of the food industry and are made from heavily treated ingredients are therefore not recommended.

Olive oil in the laboratory test at Chemiservice the specialist for olive oil analysis

Our immune system & olive oil

Our immune system & olive oil

Between coronavirus and “infodemia” (the information epidemic, redundant and often contradictory), it seems useful to take stock. Professor Luc Montagnier, Between coronavirus and “infodemia” (the information epidemic, redundant and often contradictory), it seems useful to take stock. Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize for Medicine, insists on the need to strengthen the immune system. And scientific evidence shows us how to do it, especially with nutrition.

The word to prof. Luc Montagnier – doctor, biologist and virologist who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008 for the discovery of the HIV virus – gave an extensive interview on 25.2.20 about the coronavirus. Here are some short excerpts, starting with an invitation not to panic. We are confronted with a “highly transmissible virus” that is spreading in many countries and is not so dangerous in itself, if it does not come to the possible lung complications. “Therefore, we should take some extra precautions”: – Apply essential hygiene practices. “It is necessary to wash very often like hands, not to breathe through the mouth, but only through the nose.

Our strongest ally: Our immune system

Strengthening the immune system is necessary to prevent a virus that is not particularly dangerous in itself from causing further complications (lung disease) when it is infected. “We don’t have specific viral inhibitors, but we all have good immune systems.” (…) Our most important defence now is the immune system. ” We must therefore strengthen our immune system, or at least keep it in good shape. To this end, we need to take all kinds of antioxidants that exist. In fact, part of the disease caused by the virus is due to oxidative stress. And oxidative stress is due to free radicals (ROS), molecules that oxidise others. So we should control oxidative stress by taking antioxidants.

“Antioxidants like olive oil polyphenols strengthen the immune system.”

Good antioxidants are the fermented papaya extracts, which contain many antioxidant enzymes. Taking polyphenol-rich olive oil is one of the most effective ways to stock up on antioxidants. Glutathione is another lesser known but very active product. It can be taken orally in pills and this works very well. But vitamin C, vitamin D are also very useful. And for the future, we are working with some Chinese friends who have identified some even more effective antioxidant enzymes, which I hope will be available soon.


“Strengthen the immune system with an effective diet.“

A realistic strategy to deal with the situation is to provide our bodies with all the molecules that science has shown can strengthen the immune system. Indeed, it is well known that optimal immune competence depends on nutritional status and micronutrient deficiencies – just as an unbalanced diet can reduce resistance to infection. There is a bidirectional interaction between nutrition, infection and immunity: – The immune response is compromised when nutrition is inadequate, predisposing people to infections and at the same time – Poor nutritional status can be exacerbated by the immune response itself to infection.

Resistance to infection can therefore be improved by paying attention to the contribution of some micronutrients – in comparison, deficiencies may occur especially at some stages of life (elderly and children) – and to an optimal, i.e. varied and balanced diet.

Olive oil test - Stiftung Warentest tests 28 olive oils and finds no polyphenols

The Mild Olive Oil Scam

Source:  stern
© Gruner + Jahr AG & Co. KG

“It’s all a question of price”.

Production is specifically targeted at the low-cost market. What ends up in the mass market are therefore often industrial, tired oils – high in calories, low in phenols and weak in taste. Here, the olives are not picked but cut from the tree – unless the farmer prefers to wait until the overripe fruits have fallen muddy to the ground, where he can sweep them up by machine. The fruits harvested in this way can often be seen standing in sacks by the roadside, sweating, rotting and decaying in the sun.
And the oil made from it? It stinks, and its free oleic acid content, evidence of rotten fruit, quickly exceeds the permissible limit of 0.8 percent per litre by far.

Will it be poured away, used in oil lamps or in varnishes? Not at all. There is the oil refinery. And there is Germany. Many consumers there do not know the typical fresh taste of olive oil, the sometimes grassy, flowery aroma that smells of artichokes or fresh hay, the slight bitterness and sharpness on the palate.

“And there is Germany.
Many consumers there don’t know the typical fresh taste of olive oil.”

It is also possible to sell oil to Germany that a chemist in a food laboratory has first removed the stink from and then freshened up by cutting it. The taste has adapted to the poor quality. For the German market, particularly mild-tasting oils are created and sold as high quality. It is as if Cindy aus Marzahn was presented as “Germany’s next top model” in Papua New Guinea.

In 2013, Germany imported 57 million litres of olive oil, almost three quarters of it from Italy. Many people think of the beautiful olive groves in beautiful Tuscany. But the oil that German customers buy does not always come from there. The Italian origin also serves marketing purposes. An Italian name on the bottle always pays off in retail. A look at the shelves at Rewe shows that. There you will find Carapelli-Firenze, Sasso, Bertolli, Pietro Coricelli. Sounds good. But it rarely tastes like it. How could it be otherwise, the production of olive oil in the whole of Italy does not even cover its own needs. If any Italian olive oil leaves the country at all, it hardly ever ends up in the supermarkets, but in specialised shops and not at cheap prices, because in Tuscany – where harvesting can be done almost exclusively by hand – olive oil can hardly be produced at a cost-covering price below twelve euros per litre.”

“In Spain – due to the subsidy policy of the EU – the biggest problem areas of olive cultivation are located. Especially in Andalusia, the landowners today operate huge olive monocultures. The suppliers of the AOV also come from here, including companies that are subsidised with public money. Of course, there is also high-class oil in Spain. But it is as expensive as anywhere else and reaches the specialised trade at best. Of course, Spanish oil could theoretically be marketed as such – but it has no reputation. Italian oil does.

Spanish bulk oil, like that from other countries, is transported by ship across the Mediterranean to the port of Livorno. It then continues its journey by tanker across Tuscany until the trucks dump their cargo into one of the tanks on the farms of companies such as AOV in Monteriggioni.”


Fat through fats?

A myth that persists:
Many really still believe that their problem is fat;
The opposite is the case.

It is one of the biggest nutritional errors of the last decades: the assumption that fat in food makes you fat. Numerous studies have shown that fat is important and healthy – if you eat the right kind. In recent decades, the food industry has brought more and more low-fat light products onto the market and sold them to consumers as healthy slimming products. No wonder, since the media and nutrition experts have been telling people for years that too much fat in food is unhealthy – and above all that it makes you fat.

On the other hand, it would be right to distinguish which fats are actually beneficial to health and which are not. In addition, one should also inform which fats are metabolised in what way and which then have to be regarded as fattening.
In general, a distinction is made between unsaturated and saturated fats, which used to be labelled “healthy” or “unhealthy” (a distinction that is now considered outdated). Humans need both types of fat every day for metabolic processes in the body. They are necessary for the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, provide a natural feeling of satiety, are needed for the function of hormones and enzymes and reduce fluctuations in the blood sugar level.

Low-fat diets don’t work, but fat can help you lose weight.

The US author, doctor and professor of paediatrics, Aaron Carroll, also clarifies the fat myths in his new book “The Bad Food Bible”. He writes: “If there is one thing we know about fat, it is that eating fat does not cause weight gain. On the contrary, it can even help you shed a few kilos”.

He supports this statement with various study results. A large-scale women’s study with almost 50,000 participants over a period of eight years investigated whether a low-fat diet was healthier. Sixty percent of the women ate normally, while the other 40 percent significantly reduced the amount of fat in their diet. Instead of consuming 38 percent of calories from fat, they only consumed 20 percent.

After analysing the data, it was found that low-fat diets could neither reduce the risk of heart disease and breast cancer, nor contribute to weight reduction in the long term. Conversely, it can be said that fat does not negatively influence these factors either.

Not fat, but sugar makes you fat

An evaluation of over 50 nutrition studies published in the medical journal “Food and Nutrition Research” shows where the problem of weight gain actually lies. Only studies conducted from the year 2000 onwards were taken into account. When analysing the data, the researchers found that an increased consumption of dietary fibres and nuts hardly leads to weight gain, while a high meat consumption promotes weight gain. Similarly, evidence was found that whole grain products, oatmeal and fatty dairy products protect against weight gain. In addition, dietary fibre and fruits prevent weight gain around the waist.

On the other hand, a link has been found between heavy consumption of white flour products, sweets and desserts and weight gain coupled with a larger waistline. The problem is obviously not fat, but sugar and simple carbohydrates from white flour. According to the authors, increasing fibre-rich foods and dairy products and decreasing white flour, meat and sugar permanently protect against getting fat.

“In Germany, it is not too much fat that is eaten, but too many carbohydrates. Germany has become fatter and fatter under the increase in carbohydrates,” says nutrition expert Dr. Riedl. Sugar is the “king of fatteners“. And further: “It passes quickly into the blood and causes insulin levels to rise. High insulin levels, in turn, prevent fat loss.

Eat fat and stay slim?
Sounds paradoxical, but it’s not, as a new study suggests. According to the scientists, olive oil is the most filling food.

Of all things, the consumption of certain fats can apparently help against unwanted weight gain. The reason is the satiety effect – and this is particularly great with olive oil, as a study at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the University of Vienna showed. Low-fat foods, on the other hand, do not necessarily help against excess pounds – because they do not keep you full for long.

The reason for the satiety effect in the case of oil was the flavouring substances, as the TUM announced. “We have proven that flavourings can regulate satiety,” explained Professor Peter Schieberle, who is also head of the German Research Institute for Food Chemistry. “We hope that the results will help to develop more effective low-fat foods with unchanged satiety effects in the future.”

Olive oil group did not gain weight

The working group led by Schieberle and Veronika Somoza from the University of Vienna had studied four edible fats: lard, milk fat, rapeseed oil and olive oil. For three months, the study participants consumed 500 grams of lean yoghurt enriched with one of the four fats daily – in addition to their normal diet.

“The olive oil had the greatest satiety effect,” said Schieberle. The olive oil group also did not gain weight – in their participants, the percentage of body fat and body weight remained constant. “The result was surprising because rapeseed and olive oil contain similar fatty acids.”

Ingredients affect blood sugar levels

Therefore, the scientists took aim at the flavours. Now one group received yoghurt with flavour extracts from olive oil and a control group received plain yoghurt. The olive oil group maintained their energy intake; the control group, on the other hand, consumed more calories.

The ingredients apparently had a direct effect on blood sugar levels. How long the feeling of satiety lasts depends, among other factors, in particular on the blood sugar level. The faster it drops, the sooner you feel hungry again. In the study, Italian olive oil was the most effective.

Thanks to the ingredients it contains, especially the monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil is more suitable than any other oil for sustainable weight loss. This is because oleic acid is readily metabolised by the body, is rarely stored, is stable and the oil as a whole, if consumed daily, could act like a metabolic turbo.

Experiences with this oil in terms of weight loss have been positive across the board!

Read also: How healthy is olive oil really?

Olive oil polyphenols: Against cell damage and skin ageing

Oxidative stress and ageing processes of the skin

Have you ever wondered why Italian women usually look at least 5 years younger than their Northern European counterparts, even though they are exposed to more sunlight ? Recent studies on oxidative stress processes in the skin establish a link between dietary habits and aging processes and discover a powerful helper: olive oil!

Olive oil and the leaves of olive trees contain a natural substance called oleuropein. Oleuropein belongs to the group of polyphenols and is found in the fruit, the root and above all in the olive leaf. This substance is used in cosmetic products because it helps neutralise cell damage and prevents skin ageing caused by light. It is considered a bitter substance and serves primarily as an antioxidant in cosmetic products. An antioxidant is a low-molecular group or enzyme that is supposed to protect the organism from reactive oxygen species and thus from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is considered to be partly responsible for the ageing process and is associated with the development of a number of diseases. In nutrition, polyphenols have long attracted the interest of science. They are said to have antioxidant and antiviral effects, render free radicals harmless, regulate blood pressure, inhibit inflammatory processes and help against numerous diseases of civilisation. They are even thought to have a cancer-preventing effect.

BYE-BYE smooth SKIN ?

By the mid-twenties at the latest, sometimes even earlier, skin ageing becomes noticeable in the form of fine lines or irregularities. Expression lines also deepen – but they also make the face more expressive. The reason for the visible signs of ageing skin is, simply put, that dead cells are no longer replaced by new ones as quickly as they are in children and young people. The sun (UV radiation) also leaves its mark, as does fast food or alcohol. In order to promote the regeneration of the skin and protect it from negative influences, it is advisable to start early with the right care and to counteract this with the diet. Here, a polyphenol-rich olive oil is very helpful. Unfortunately, these are not easy to find, as only low-quality goods are offered in supermarkets. Such olive oil works best when it is added raw, i.e. unheated, to food. You should not worry about gaining weight with olive oil, this is absolutely unfounded. 

Read also: Fat through fats?